The vines of the VDP.GROSSEN LAGE® KOSTERT root in a respectable slope of up to 30 % directly above the French city Wissembourg. The vineyard faces directly south and benefits from direct sun radiation the entire day. Limestone dominates the soils, but there is also some clay and calcareous marl present. The 9-hectare GL KOSTERT lies between 250 and 280 metres a.s.l. History: The name Kostert could possibly stem from “köstlich”, which means “tasty”. It is claimed that the monks of the neighbouring Cistercian monastery St. Paulin praised the wines of the GL KOSTERT as being very tasty. As this vineyard is located in France, German wine estates are not allowed to use the vineyards name on the label.

Site profile

Growing AreaPfalz
Graded area20,73 acres
Graded vinesWeißburgunder, Spätburgunder
VDP.Growers working in this siteBernhart | Zum Weingut

Geological data

Elevation220-240m ü. N. N.