The VDP.GROSSE LAGE® DOOSBERG is located on the eastern outskirts of the Rheingau village Oestrich. The persistent wind in this site is particularly advantageous in the autumn, because it dries rain and fog from the grapes and protects them from fungal infection. The GL DOOSBERG has a 5 to 10 % incline that faces south to southwest at 110 to 130 metres a.s.l. Carbonaceous loess loam, partly with terrace sediments comprises the soils. The bands of gravel and the gentle slope permit water reserves to be stored. The GL DOOSBERG is a Riesling vineyard. History: The name stems from the word “Dachsberg”, which means “badger mountain”. Badgers once built their dens here in the loamy humus-rich soil.

Site profile

Geological data

Elevation110-130m ü. N. N.
GroundKarbonhaltiger Lösslehm, z.T. mit Terrassensedimenten

Meteorologic Data