The famous VDP.GROSSE LAGE® SCHARZHOFBERGER is quite unique, particularly due to its soil. Nowhere on the Mosel is the red and grey slate so extremely weathered as it is here. The rock content is a high 70 percent. The fine earth is clayey-silty and friable, and in places it contains iron-oxide and is red. The GL SCHARZHOFBERGER lies east of Wiltingen in a wind-exposed side valley of the Saar. It faces mostly south and southeast, but in the west it turns slightly southwest. The slope climbs from 190 to 310 metres a.s.l. at a steep 30 to very steep 60 percent gradient. The vineyard is 28 hectares in size. The wind makes the microclimate fairly cool and is responsible for high temperature fluctuations. This is quite advantageous for the production of elegant, delicately fruity wines. There is a convex in the middle of the GL that stores warmth well. The forested ridge top provides vines with sufficient water. Info: the Scharzhofberg is one of the internationally most highly esteemed white wine vineyards. Its wines achieve high prices at auctions regularly. Only the site “Scharzhofberg” or “Scharzhofberger” appears on the label without the name of the village. History: The site was bequeathed to the St. Marien Monastery in the year 700 and was subsequently cultivated by the order. It was auctioned in 1797 during Napoleonic secularization and then experienced an enormous increase in value. In 1896, a 0.3 hectare parcel cost 90,000 gold marks.

Site profile

Geological data

Elevation216-300m ü. N. N.
GroundDevon slate, grey wacke, grey slate, red slate

Meteorologic Data