VDP GROSSE LAGE® WINKLEN is part of the Ihringer Winklerberg classified site, sitting in the town of Ihringen on a foothill running south from the Kaiserstuhl. It is among the warmest sites in all of Germany. The individual parcels of the Winklerberg enjoy an almost sub-tropical climate, as the Kaiserstuhl shields against cold north winds. The nearby Belfort Gap between the Rhine and Sâone valleys funnels warm Mediterranean air toward the Rhine. The GL WINKLEN faces toward the south and southeast, with black volcanic soils that store solar energy during the day and then return it to the vines at night. The hills are steep, with gradients up to 50%, and are terraced in some places.

Layer profile

Growing AreaBaden
Graded area31,04 acres
Graded vinesRiesling, Weißburgunder, Grauburgunder, Spätburgunder
VDP.Growers working in this layerStigler | Zum Weingut

Geological data

Elevation220-280m ü. N. N.
GroundLöss, Vulkanit

Meteorologic Data