The VDP.GROSSE LAGE HIMMELSPFAD is a historic open-field system parcel in the Langenberg vineyard in Retzstadt. This is the steepest parcel in the vineyard with a 65 percent gradient and it also has the highest solar radiation. The 2.6-hectare HIMMELSPFAD GL faces due south and is the warmest parcel, while the remaining Langenberg vineyard faces southeast to south or southwest to west. The soil is meagre, finely pored shell limestone; its white colour reflects the light into the vines. The HIMMELSPFAD GL lies at 250 metres a.s.l. The main variety is Silvaner (planted 1963). History: The site is named after an old vineyard path.

Site profile

Growing AreaFranken
Graded area5,41 acres
Graded vinesSilvaner
VDP.Growers working in this siteRudolf May | Zum Weingut

Geological data

Elevation250m ü. N. N.
Groundtriassic shell limestone (Lower Muschelkalk)

Meteorologic Data