A very unusual geology for the region is found in the VDP.GROSSEN LAGE® SCHÄWER. A tectonic shift of the Upper Rhine Rift has pushed grey Devon slate to the surface. The typical weathered Bunter sandstone, loam and eroded slope rubble is also present. The southeast-facing slope rises at a 30 % gradient, which is relatively steep for this area. The dark slate captures the suns warmth and releases it in the night. The Haardt Mountains protect the site from cool west winds.

Site profile

Growing AreaPfalz
Graded area17,79 acres
Graded vinesRiesling
VDP.Growers working in this siteHerbert Meßmer | Zum WeingutTheo Minges | Zum WeingutÖkonomierat Rebholz | Zum Weingut

Geological data

Elevation270-295m ü. N. N.
Groundschist (Devon slate),coloured sandstone

Meteorologic Data