The diversity of its soil structure is one of the things that makes the VDP.GROSSE LAGE® BURGGARTEN so noteworthy. Greywacke and greywacke slate, loess and loess loam, and even basalt from the conical basalt hill above Heimersheim are all found in the approximately 14.3-hectare vineyard. Each of these soil types mark the Spätburgunder (Pinot Noir) wines that grow here quite differently – from spicy-fruity (greywacke) to full-bodied and generous (loess, loam) to deep and powerful wines (basalt). The BURGGARTEN GL faces southeast to southwest and rises from 80 to 200 metres a.s.l. History: The name Burggarten stems from the fortress (Burg) that King Philip of Swabia had built here.