The VDP.GROSSE LAGE® FRÜHLINGSPLÄTZCHEN is just what the name implies in German, a“special place in spring”. Its extremely steep 70 % gradient and south facing aspect allows the site to thaw early and the first messages of spring appear as the snow melts. The intense solar radiation and exposition of this GL allow early and persistent warming. The vines awaken from dormancy early and enjoy a longer vegetation period compared to other sites. Soils are predominantly red slate and gravel, often interspersed with red loam from the Rotliegend lithostratigraphic unit. The vineyard lies between 160 and 240 metres a.s.l.

Site profile

Growing AreaNahe
Graded area61,31 acres
Graded vinesRiesling
VDP.Growers working in this siteEmrich-Schönleber | Zum WeingutSchäfer-Fröhlich | Zum Weingut

Geological data

Elevation160-240m ü. N. N.
Groundred slate interspersed with red loam and quartzite

Meteorologic Data