The VDP.GROSSE LAGE® JULIUS-ECHTER-BERG lies on the slope of the Schwanberg, the western extension of the Steigerwald hills, and faces south. The forested hill top protects the very steep slope from north and east winds, thus allowing the GL to heat up in summer. The grey-brown Keuper marl stores the warmth of the day and releases it slowly in the evening. The soil in the upper area of the GL JULIUS-ECHTER-BERG is particularly skeletal. The coloured marl stems from layers of green Stuttgart Formation sandstone and 200-million-year-old marine fossil sediments. The GL JULIUS-ECHTER-BERG climbs from 350 to 370 metres a.s.l. at up to a very steep 65 percent gradient. History: The VDP.winegrower Hans Wirsching urged that the site be named after the founder of Juliusspital, the Prinz-Bishop of Würzburg Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn (1545-1617). The Julius-Echter-Berg gained world fame through the 1950 Riesling Auslese from VDP.Estate Juliusspital at the coronation celebration of Queen Elisabeth II in London the year 1953.

Site profile

Growing AreaFranken
Graded area59,31 acres
Graded vinesSilvaner, Riesling, Weißburgunder
VDP.Growers working in this siteJuliusspital Würzburg | Zum WeingutPaul Weltner | Zum WeingutHans Wirsching | Zum WeingutStaatlicher Hofkeller Würzburg | Zum WeingutJohann Ruck | Zum Weingut

Geological data

Elevation270-370m ü. N. N.
GroundGipskeuper, mittlerer Keuper

Meteorologic Data