The VDP.GROSSEN LAGE® FÜRSTLICHER KALLMUTH® is one of the steepest sites in Germany. Its steep to very steep slopes open toward the Main River in the west like an amphitheatre. The steeps parts have a 34 to 74 percent gradient and face west. The other sections with 20 to 50 percent gradient face southwest to southeast. Twelve kilometres of dry stone walls that are up to five meters high run through the vineyard. The climate within the KALLMUTH GL can be described as sub-Mediterranean. Even in cooler summers temperatures of up to 50 or even 60 °C can be measured. With 280-350 mm average precipitation during the vegetative period, the site is dry, but five natural mountain springs and aquifers provide the vines with sufficient water. The soils are quite skeletal with variegated sandstone in deeper horizons and shell limestone in shallower areas. Riesling and Silvaner are planted on the slopes.

Site profile

Growing AreaFranken
Graded area19,55 acres
Graded vinesSilvaner und Riesling
VDP.Growers working in this siteFürst Löwenstein | Zum Weingut

Geological data

Elevation140-240m ü. N. N.
Groundroter Buntsandstein, unterer Muschelkalk

Meteorologic Data