The VDP.GROSSE LAGE® LANGENMORGEN is located on a southeast slope of the Haardt hills west of Deidesheim. It rises from 150 to 160 metres a.s.l. at a slope of 14 to 20 % and opens towards the Rhine Plain. The 10-hectare site enjoys long sun exposure and the mountains also contribute to a special microclimate by providing protection from precipitation, cold winds, and frost. The soils are loess loam with high lime content with the typical regional red and white Bunter sandstone in the rocky subsoil. Loess deposits provide good water availability and nutrition for vines. The statue “Steinerne Eva” is positioned at the upper border of the GL LANGENMORGEN. History: The Hohenmorgen vineyard was mentioned in written documents for the first time in 1491. A “Morgen” was a measurement of area and the name derives from the long shape of this site.

Site profile

Geological data

Elevation150 - 160m ü. N. N.
Groundweathered Bunter (variegated) sandstone with limestone, loamy sand

Meteorologic Data