The VDP.GROSSE LAGE® LANDSKRONE is an extinct volcanic cone that rises to 125 metres a.s.l. overlooking the village of Heimersheim. Its high vineyard walls brace the rocky, steep 50-55 % slope. When travelling from the Rhine down the Ahr River, this is the first vineyard of the Ahr Valley. Typical for its volcanic origin, the soils are basalt, slate and loamy clay. The soils and terrace walls of this south-facing vineyard store the sun’s intense warmth during the day and release it into the vines at night. History: King Philip of Swabia took advantage of the prominent mountain cone to build a fortress to guard the Frankfurt-Aachen army road in 1206. He gifted it to his wife as the “crown of the country”.

Layer profile

Growing AreaAhr
Graded area22,46 acres
Graded vinesSpätburgunder, Frühburgunder
VDP.Growers working in this layerJ. J. Adeneuer | Zum WeingutDeutzerhof | Zum WeingutNelles | Zum Weingut

Geological data

Elevation125m ü. N. N.
GroundBasalt, Schiefer, lehmiger Ton

Meteorologic Data