Around 400 million years ago, a primordial ocean, which had previously been up to 14 km deep, became filled with deposits. The soil of the VDP.GROSSE LAGE® UHLEN LAUBACH was formed from the last deposits. We know this from the innumerable shells and corals fossilised in the vineyard’s slate. To survive, those shells and corals require an oxygen content that can be found only in shallow waters. With up to 10 % lime and a pH-value of 7.5, Laubach is the exotic exception among the other almost lime-free and quite acidic Devon slates. The landscape is characterized by dizzyingly steep, small terraces that cling to the rocky slope, which has a gradient of over 170 %. The many kilometres of dry stone walls are a habitat for common houseleek, sedum, Apollo butterflies, lizards, vipers and Colubridae – a subtropical biotope!

Layer profile

Growing AreaMosel-Saar-Ruwer
Graded area13,96 acres
Graded vinesRiesling
VDP.Growers working in this layerHeymann-Löwenstein | Zum WeingutKnebel | Zum Weingut

Geological data

Elevation80 - 220m ü. N. N.
Slope100 - 150%
Groundgrauer Schiefer mit hohem fossilem Kalkanteil

Meteorologic Data