The VDP.GROSSE LAGE® GÖTZENBERG is located in the bowl of a small closed side valley of the Neckar in the Stuttgart district Uhlbach. Easily warmed, fossil-rich sandstone of the Stuttgart Formation dominates the south-southeast facing vineyards. The protected convex location, protected from the north and east winds, also contributes to the microclimate. The warm thermals created on sunny days provide good aeration in the vineyard and sweep moisture away from the vine canopy and grapes. This combination often makes a particularly long ripening period possible. The slopes of the GL GÖTZENBERG climb from 300 to 360 metres a.s.l. at a 45 % gradient. History: The name Götzenberg comes from an antique place of worship from the Hallstatt era that was discovered in 1820.

Site profile

Growing AreaWürttemberg
Graded area32,52 acres
Graded vinesRiesling, Lemberger
VDP.Growers working in this siteAldinger | Zum WeingutRainer Schnaitmann | Zum Weingut

Geological data

Elevation300-360m ü. N. N.

Meteorologic Data