Warm fall winds from the central Haardt hills and the due south exposition provide the VDP.GROSSEN LAGE® GAISBÖHL in Ruppertsberg with an exceptionally warm climate. The average summer temperature of 20 °C is quite high for a flat vineyard with up to 5 percent gradient. The soil is comprised of gravel, sedimentary clay layers, and weathered variegated sandstone. It is well drained and warms quickly. The GL GAISBÖHL encompasses 7.5 hectares at 120 metres a.s.l. Predominantly Riesling grows in this site. History: The site was first mentioned in the 14th century as “Geizebuhel”, which indicates that goats were once grazed here. “Buhel” means “Hill” and “Geize” are “goats”. In the imperial Bavarian land parcel classification of 1828, the Gaisböhl was considered the prime vineyard in Ruppertsberg.

Site profile

Growing AreaPfalz
Graded area18,51 acres
Graded vinesRiesling
VDP.Growers working in this siteDr. Bürklin-Wolf | Zum Weingut

Geological data

Elevation120-130m ü. N. N.
Groundsandy loam

Meteorologic Data