The VDP.GROSSE LAGE® KIRCHSPIEL is a prime parcel located in the steeper part of the Kirchspiel vineyard that climbs up to a 30 percent gradient to 150 metres a.s.l.. Surrounded by a chain of hills that protects it from west winds, the GL KIRCHSPIEL opens like an amphitheatre directly toward the Rhine River. The site possesses good and homogenous soil and climate conditions and with its southeast to east exposition, vines benefit from the early morning sun. The soil is clay marl with limestone embedments and weathered calcareous loam. In deeper horizons, one finds predominantly limestone. The VDP.Vinters’ parcels are planted predominantly with Riesling History: The Kirchspiel was first documented as “Kyrsbühel” in 1348. In his book “Der Weinbau in der Provinz Rheinhessen, im Nahethal und Moselthal” (1834), the wine and viticulture specialist Johann Philipp Bronner classified the site (together with the Auler=Aulerde) as outstanding. Predominantly Riesling is planted in this site, now just as it was then. A little Silvaner is also found.

Site profile

Growing AreaRheinhessen
Graded area40,95 acres
Graded vinesRiesling
VDP.Growers working in this siteK. F. Groebe | Zum WeingutKeller | Zum WeingutWittmann | Zum Weingut

Geological data

Elevation150m ü. N. N.
Groundclay marl with limestone embedment

Meteorologic Data