The VDP.GROSSE LAGE® MEERSPINNE is situated between 150 and 170 metres in the middle section of a foothill of the Haardt Mountains, which are a part of the Palatinate Forest. The slope falls southeast toward the Rhine River and is bathed in early morning sunshine. Cold evening air steams from the Gimmeldinger Valley and Palatinate Forest cool the vines and preserve valuable acidity in the grapes. The 7-hectare GL MEERSPINNE sits on a massive limestone basement that over time was successively covered with eroding Bunter sandstone rubble and wind-deposited calcareous loess. The soil’s available water capacity is good. History: The Meerspinne is legendary, but it was not revived again until the year 2015. This select parcel of the VDP.GROSSEN LAGE® MANDELGARTEN has been isolated and installed once again in the land parcel cadastre. The “Mersbin” was mentioned in the ledgers kept by the monks of the Wissembourg Monastery in Alsace as the origin of outstanding wines. This vineyard is once again considered to be the top site in Gimmeldingen.

Site profile

Growing AreaPfalz
Graded area17,89 acres
Graded vinesRiesling
VDP.Growers working in this siteA. Christmann | Zum Weingut

Geological data

Elevation150-170m ü. N. N.
GroundBuntsandstein auf Kalk

Meteorologic Data