At only 0.64 hectare, the VDP.GROSSE LAGE® GÄRKAMMER is one of the smallest vineyards in Germany and the smallest in the Ahr. Dark greywacke and weathered slate with sandy loam dominate the site. The south facing slope is well bedded in the hillside and protected by a high slate wall lending logical testimony to the name “Gärkammer”, which can be translated as “cooking chamber”. Heat is trapped in the GÄRKAMMER GL particularly in summer and is stored in the dark rock until late into the evening. With a 15 to 60 percent slope, the terraced site is quite steep. It rises from 110 to 180 metres above the Ahr. The site is planted exclusively with Spätburgunder (Pinot Noir) – a portion of which is not grafted. History: The GÄRKAMMER GL is so named due to its rather high temperatures, particularly in summer. The well-known German writer and politician Johann Gottfried Kinkel (1815-1882) described the site as “the most precious vineyard in the entire Ahr Valley”.

Site profile

Growing AreaAhr
Graded area1,68 acres
Graded vinesPinot Noir
VDP.Growers working in this siteJ. J. Adeneuer | Zum Weingut

Geological data

Elevation150m ü. N. N.
GroundGrauwacken, sandy loam, slate

Meteorologic Data