Rheingau is the place where the Rhine River suddenly changes direction to flow from east to west for nearly 30 kilometres. It begins in Hochheim above the Main River, which flows directly into the eastern bend of the Rhine. The Rhine Valley opens broadly beginning in Wiesbaden and the vineyards that fall gently southward from the protective, forested ridge of the Taunus foothills toward the Rhine enjoy abundant sunshine. The river is broad here and stores warmth, providing a mild and stable climate. From Rüdesheim downstream, the Rhine acts increasingly as a reflective surface for light. The Rhine becomes significantly narrower here as it changes direction to flow north; the vineyards become steeper and more meagre. In this part of the Rheingau down to Lorchhausen, particularly in the vicinity of Assmannshausen, the predominant grape variety changes from Riesling to Spätburgunder (Pinot Noir). Quartzite and shale distinguish the steep sites of the lower Rheingau, while loess, loam, sand, gravel and marl are found in the middle and upper Rheingau.
*,¹ with reservation. Vineyard site is not yet authorised by German wine law
“” The name was selected by the wine maker. It usually refers to the small vineyard plot, the wine grows in.
¹ After authorization of new vineyard parcels this site will turn into a VDP.ERSTE LAGE®.