
"Wine is made in the vineyard and this ecosystem must be protected."

Werner and Johannes Jülg about their wines and their winery in Schweigen


Hauptstraße 1
76889 Schweigen-Rechtenbach

Phone+49 (0)6342-919090
Fax+49 (0)6342919091
Office Hours
Montag bis Freitag: 10:00- 12:00 Uhr und 13:00- 17:00 Uhr Samstag: 10:00- 16:00 Uhr Sonn- und Feiertage geschlossen

Werner Jülg und Johannes Jülg


Johannes Jülg

Member Since


Wine Area

31,80 acres

Grape Variety

Riesling, Spätburgunder, Weiß- und Grauburgunder, Chardonnay


Kalkstein, Kalkmergel, Bundsandstein

Growing Areas


VDP: What is special about your winery?

Werner Jülg: Here in the border region, we live the German-French culture. Through the history of Schweigen, we own vineyards in both countries. The special lime content in the soil provides nutrient for great Burgundies, which do not have to hide in international comparison.

VDP: What style of wine are you aiming for?

Werner Jülg: Our goal is authenticity: salty, precise, elegant wines. Our Burgundies from the limestone show this best.

VDP: Which of your wines would you recommend to someone who does not yet know your winery - as an introduction, so to speak?

Johannes Jülg: Schweigen is home to Pinots. Whether red or white, our VDP.ORTSWEINE show this in particular.

VDP: What is your winery philosophy?

Johannes Jülg: Wine is made in the vineyard and this ecosystem must be protected. In the cellar, it's as little intervention as possible, as much rest as necessary.

"Every harvest is magical. Nature, the craft and the people around me, that's my world.“

VDP: Which wine are you particularly proud of?

Werner Jülg: There are many, but we are especially proud of our Pinot Blanc, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. We appreciate the diversity of the vineyards and believe in their uniqueness.

VDP: Why did you become a winemaker?

Johannes Jülg: I was hooked when I was a little boy. Every harvest is magical. Nature, the craft and the people around me, that is my world. 

VDP: Do you have role models?

Johannes Jülg: My role model has always been my father Werner. Never giving up despite all the criticism and going your own way are just two exemplary things I learned from him. He is the living down-to-earthness and very connected to his homeland. I learned from Klaus Peter Keller that not all Riesling is the same. Because the region, the soil and the conductor behind the wine play the biggest role.

VDP: What are your next goals?

Werner Jülg: We would like to establish our wine style as a permanent fixture in the wine world.

VDP:  How do you combine tradition and innovation?

Werner Jülg: We deal with both as long as we recognise that they create sustainable value and are not hidden behind an entertaining trend.

VDP:Why should people still visit your winery? Is there a favourite place/attraction/sight in your area?

Johannes Jülg: You should definitely visit our wine tavern. Here, too, the influences from the Palatinate and Alsatian regions are equally evident. Afterwards, it's worth taking a walk from the German Wine Gate over the Schweigener Sonnenberg to Wissembourg. There you will find the best eclairs in the region.

Pictures: © T. Woody, F. Pellegrini