Once again, the winegrowers of the VDP can look back
on a successful auction weekend.
A selected audience was able to experience the auction traditionally "wet" on site – which means that people are able to taste the auction wines. At the same time, wine fans from all over the world could follow the auctions in Trier and Bad Kreuznach virtually and bid for the treasured wines.
At the 2023 auctions of the GROSSER RING, auctioneer Edwin Vos, international head of wine and spirits and leading auctioneer for this category of the auction house Christie's | London, awarded the highest bids of the auction wines. Prince Michael zu Salm-Salm, along with Master of Wine Caro Maurer as moderator on the Nahe, led entertainingly through the program.

The tradition of wine auctions in Trier could be continued this year with the 136th PREDICATE WINE AUCTION and 5th GROSSE GEWÄCHSE auction of the GROSSER RING VDP.Mosel-Saar-Ruwer e.V. with great success. Many international guests in the hall and online viewers from all over the world followed a highly exciting wine auction led by auctioneer Edwin Vos.
"Edwin Vos led confidently and entertainingly through the four-hour auction (5.GROSS GEWÄCHSE auction and 136.PRÄDIKATSWEINSVERSTEIGERUNG). His extensive professional experience in the wine business, his love for the great wines of the world and especially the Riesling of Mosel-Saar-Ruwer, have once again set the tone for our auctions," Carl von Schubert, Chairman of the GROSSER RING, is pleased to say.
GROSSE GEWÄCHSE, PRÄDIKATSWEINE and GROSSE RARITÄTEN were auctioned. Through the use and continuous development of an auction software, the overall processes are constantly optimized and the bidding of the worldwide interested parties professionalized. The auctions 2023 of the GROSSER RING achieved total net proceeds of 2.133.870 Euros.
Results Prädikatsweine
Peter Lauer, Mosel-Saar-Ruwer
180,00 Euro
2021 APOTHEKE Magna Charta Riesling GG | VDP.GROSSES GEWÄCHS® - 3,5 l
Josef Milz Loosen, Mosel-Saar-Ruwer
1.250,00 Euro
2022 DOCTOR Spätlese | VDP.GROSSE LAGE® - 3,0 l
Schloss Lieser, Mosel-Saar-Ruwer
3.550,00 Euro
Joh. Jos. Prüm, Mosel-Saar-Ruwer
630,00 Euro
2022 DOCTOR Nr. 11 Spätlese | VDP.GROSSE LAGE® - 1,5 l
Wwe. Dr. H. Thanisch, Erben Thanisch, Mosel-Saar-Ruwer
820,00 Euro
2022 ABTSBERG Nr. 50 Kabinett | VDP.GROSSE LAGE® - 6,0 l
Maximin Grünhaus, Mosel-Saar-Ruwer
2.100,00 Euro
2011 SCHONFELS Trockenbeerenauslese | VDP.GROSSE LAGE® - 0.375 l
Peter Lauer, Mosel-Saar-Ruwer
1.500,00 Euro
Egon Müller – Scharzhof, Mosel-Saar-Ruwer
10.100,00 Euro
2015 SCHARZHOFBERGER Beerenauslese | VDP.GROSSE LAGE® - 1,5 l
Egon Müller – Scharzhof, Mosel-Saar-Ruwer
16.000,00 Euro
*All quoted riser prices net, excluding taxes and fees and rounded to euro amounts.

The VDP.auction on the Nahe invited to the Cineplex cinema in Bad Kreuznach. From 9am to 11am, 180 wine enthusiasts could taste their way through the auction wines, receive final information from the winemakers and place their bids with one of the six commissioners.
The "wet auction" began at 1pm, during which the guests and bidders could sit back comfortably in their cinema seats. They were provided with the auction wines and were able to experience the short portrait films of the winemakers on large screen and thus got an emotional connection to the origin and philosophy of the individual auction wineries.
The moderator Caro Maurer MW and auctioneer Prince Michael zu Salm-Salm led entertainingly through a 3.5-hour auction with a lot of charm, wit and great results.
Worldwide, the auction was followed and bid on in the livestream. Everyone was able to see this for themselves, as in the livestreams, for example, from the auction party in Berlin – in the wine bar "Freundschaft" – Willi Schlögl passed the microphone on to Seoul. From Mexico City, Carlos Urcelay joined in and was busy with the auction on the Nahe at 5 o'clock in the morning.
Once again, the auction in Bad Kreuznach brought absolute top results with a total net result of 1.952.025 Euros or 2.439.055,24 Euros including fees and VAT.
The charity box with the motto "10 Years after" and a decade jump to the year 2012 – the wines that were at the auction in 2013 – achieved a proud price of 6000 Euros. This amount goes entirely to the benefit of the sustainability project "Wurzeln schlagen" of the district of Bad Kreuznach and finances education in schools for healthy food with greenhouses and accompanying lessons.
In addition, a dinner at Schlossgut Diel with the Keller family was auctioned off as a charity event. 6 tickets for this personal exclusive event could be auctioned. Thus 6 times 3000 Euros came together with the result that additional 18.000 Euros flow into the sustainability project "Wurzeln schlagen" for the planting of a generation forest.
All results
Record results
Magnum auction box Von den Grossen Lagen – 3x1,5l
Keller, Rheinhessen
13.000,00 Euro
Auction box Von den Grossen Lagen – 6x0,75l
Keller, Rheinhessen
5.565,00 Euro
2017 La borne – 1,5l
Wittmann, Rheinhessen
1.850,00 Euro
2018 Zell Kreuzberg Treasure collection – 1,5l
Battenfeld-Spanier, Rheinhessen
1.505,00 Euro
2022 Final – 1,5l
Weingut Schäfer-Fröhlich, Nahe
1.450,00 Euro
2022 BRÜCKE GG – 1,5l
Dönnhoff, Nahe
1.290,00 Euro
2004 HALENBERG Eiswein – 0,75l
Emrich-Schönleber, Nahe
1000,00 Euro
*All quoted riser prices net, excluding taxes and fees and rounded to euro amounts.