Ronan Sayburn MS


Head of Wine, 67 Pall Mall    

Web: ; 

VDP: Where and how did you get the wine bug?

Ronan Sayburn MS: My father made wine at home, I don’t think it was particularly good but it was fascinating to see the process, so I was always interested.

VDP: Your first encounter with German wines?

Ronan Sayburn MS: As a teenager drink Black Tower. At the time a very elegant black bottle.

VDP: What is your favourite story to tell about German/ – did you have highly emotional experience with our wines / producers?

Ronan Sayburn MS: Tasting wines from 1971 that i though were only 10 years old. A great vintage for wine - not for wine laws!

VDP: How many bottles of German wine/VDP.wines do you have in your cellar?